Gain Evony General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz and use him correctly

Home | General Intro | Gain Evony General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz and use him correctly

Jan Karol Chodkiewicz is a military commander of the Grand Ducal Lithuanian Army, who defeated a Swedish army three times the size of his own. As an Epic Historic General in Evony, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz is also strong and is a great DEBUFF General who can be a Subordinate City Mayor. In this article, his Special Skill, Max Level Specialty, and Story will be shown to you. And the way to acquire General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz will be discussed in the end.

Evony General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz
Evony General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

The Special Skill

Battle of Kircholm

Reduces enemy mounted troops’ attack by 25% and enemy siege machines’ defense and Hp by 30% when he is leading the army.
– 1★- Enemy Troop Defense -10%
– 2★- Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%; when the General is the Mayor, Death into Survival Rate in this Subordinate City +15%
– 3★- Enemy Troop HP -10%; when the General is the Mayor, Training Speed in this Subordinate City +20%
– 4★- Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -15%, Enemy Siege Machine Defense and HP -15%
– 5★- Enemy Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack -15%, Enemy Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense and HP -15%
The Specialty of Jan Karol Chodkiewicz (Max Level Attributes)
1. Siege Machine Defense: Siege Machine HP and Defense +10%
2. Snipe: Enemy Troop Attack -10%
3. War God: All Troops Attack +6%
4. Grand Hetman: Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -35%; Enemy Siege Machine Defense and HP -20%

How to Get General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

When the general was first released, players could obtain it through the Skull Island Defense event. This event took place during the fourth round of the Kong Collaboration – Legend of Kong. However, the Kong collaboration events have ended, so this path is no longer available.

So, how can we get this general now?

Giant’s Wisdom Temple – Mayor Optional Chest

The event consists of four levels, and you can get certain rewards after clearing each level. There is a “Mayor Optional Chest” in the prize pool of Lv3 and Lv4. There is a 10% chance of getting the chest when you claim the reward of Lv3 and a 15% chance at Lv4.

Get Evony Jan Karol Chodkiewicz from Giant's Wisdom Temple Event
Get Evony Jan Karol Chodkiewicz from Giant’s Wisdom Temple Event

Open the chest to select a general from its reward list, including Jan Karol Chodkiewicz.
You need to use the Giant’s Pickaxe to hit the floor tiles to find all the Wisdom Crystals buried in each level to pass the level. And, you can only pass the levels from 1 to 4 in order.
You can get the Giant’s Pickaxe by purchasing packages and killing monsters.
– Kill Monsters: A maximum of 10 can be obtained per day.
– Packages: There are 10 in the Luxury Precious Treasure package and 100 in the Luxury Ultimate Treasure package.

The General Story

In 1605, Polish Army Commander Chodkiewicz ordered the Polish Knights to ambush the enemy’s flank. He then launched a feint attack on the enemy’s center before retreating, drawing the Swedish Army into the plain.

Despite the Swedish Army’s solid formation, Chodkiewicz used the cavalry’s advantage to break their defense. He led the Polish Knights in a charge from the flank, wiping out the Swedish cavalry. They then attacked both the front and rear of the Swedish infantry.

In the end, Chodkiewicz won the battle with speed and fewer losses, despite being outnumbered. This victory earned him a place in history. His tactics were often copied, and his leadership inspired generations of soldiers.

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