Evony Independence Day Celebration’s New Items Acquisition Guide

Home | Fresh Gameplay | Evony Independence Day Celebration’s New Items Acquisition Guide
Evony currently releases a large-scale holiday event, the Independence Day Celebration, which has a lot of new items. I wrote this guide to help fellow players quickly identify the new content and find ways to obtain it. This article summarizes and organizes the new generals, spiritual beasts, castle skins, ideal land ornament, and monarch avatars. If you are interested, please continue reading.

General: Washington Prime & John Adams

Washington Prime – A mounted troop general
Initial Special Skill: Increases mounted troops’ attack and HP by 40% and March Size by 15% when the general is leading the army.
During the event, you may get this general from the Epic Historic General (Premium) in the biggest event packages. Besides, there is a chance to get this general at the Historic General Summoning Event.
John Adams – A duty general (Stables Officer)
Initial Special Skill: Increases mounted troops’ attack by 15% and mounted troops’ defense and HP by 15% when the general is the Stables Officer.
You can obtain this general at the party cake Lv10 during the Independence Day’s King’s Party Event.

New Spiritual Beast: Hati

During Evony’s Independence Day Celebration, you can consume 800 Spiritual Beast Scales to redeem a Moonstone at the Moon Hound Event. Use the Moonstone to unlock the Spiritual Beast Hati.
You can acquire the Spiritual Beast Scale by killing monsters. Also, you can purchase Spiritual Beast packages to get the Spiritual Beast Scale Box. Open the box to get a random number (including 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 400) of scales.
Hati’s Lv20 Attributes:
  • Mounted Troop Defense +104%
  • Ground Troop Attack +104%
  • Enemy Ground Troop Defense -52%
  • When defending, Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -104%
According to Hati’s attributes, I recommend equipping it to a subordinate city general. Hati’s debuff attribute can be used together with the sub-city general to weaken the enemy troops.

Independence Day Castle Skin: Revival Era

Castle Attributes & Decoration Collection Buffs

Revival Era – Steam
Own to activate:
  • Construction Speed +10%
Use to activate:
  • Marching Ranged Troop Attack +20%
  • Marching Ranged Troop Defense +20%
  • Enemy Mounted Troop HP -25%
Revival Era – Clock Tower
Own to activate:
  • Construction Speed +10%
Use to activate:
  • Defending Ranged Troop Attack +30%
  • Defending Ranged Troop Defense +30%
  • Defending Ranged Troop HP +30%
Decoration Collection – Glory of Independence
After collecting the Patriot March Effect and one of the Revival Era castles, you will unlock the Decoration Collection, Glory of Independence.
Then you will get the following buffs:
  • In City Ranged Troop Defense +5%
  • Archer Tower Attack +10%
So, how to get the above decorations?
You can get one of the Revival Era castles from the King’s Party when your party cake reaches Lv10.
As for the Patriot March Effect, you need to buy the Decoration Collection Package to receive it.

Independence Day Ideal Land Ornament: Statue of Liberty

During the Voyage to Civilizations Event, you can use the Golden Ship Wheel to voyage. Then, you will have an opportunity to receive the Statue of Liberty.
In addition, you may get the Golden Commemorative Coin by voyaging. Use each 7 Golden Commemorative Coins to redeem 1 Statue of Liberty. You can redeem it up to 31 times.
When you have 31 Statue of Liberty, you can upgrade the ornament to the maximum level (Lv10).
As it upgrades, its attributes will change accordingly, as shown in the table below.

March Size Capacity
Enemy Mounted Troop HP
Marching Ground Troop HP

Monarch Avatar: Spear and Shield Paladin & Cassius

The special one is the Spear and Shield Paladin, which is a new avatar inspired by a player, named “killer”.
You can redeem the two Monarch Avatars in the Alchemy Shop.
Both the two require 50,000 Alchemical Coins.
So, how do you get the Alchemical Coin?

The way to earn the Alchemical Coin

First, you can get it by selling Molten Ore.
When your daily activity points reach 0, 75, and 150, you can receive 2, 5, and 6 Molten Ore respectively.
Selling the Molten Ore in the Alchemy Shop will earn you corresponding Alchemical Coins.
The daily recycling prices in the alchemy shops are clearly marked. To get as many coins as possible, I suggest you share the link of your own shop selling price to the world channel.
On the one hand, you can attract other players to sell molten ores to your shop and earn a kickback. The kickback is 6% of the selling price. On the other hand, you can choose a shop with the highest recycling price from the shared shops, and then visit and sell your molten ores.
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