Washington Prime: A Stronger Version For Mounted Troops in Evony

Home | General Intro | Washington Prime: A Stronger Version For Mounted Troops in Evony
Evony releases a new mounted-troop general, Washington (Prime), during the Independence Day Celebration. Washington Prime is stronger than the original Washington in terms of basic attributes, special skills, and specialties. Besides, he also has covenant buffs. So, what is the difference between them? How should we obtain and match this general? This article will give you the answers.

Washington Prime’s Basic Attributes

Washington Prime
126 (↑8.99)
105 (↑8.41)
128 (↑9.02)
104 (↑7.59)
123 (↑8.86)
103 (↑7.69)
102 (↑8.22)
101 (↑8.05)

Special Skill – General of the Armies

Increases mounted troops’ attack and HP by 40% and March Size by 15% when the General is leading the army.
Ascending buffs:
  1. Mounted Troop Defense +10% and HP +10%
  2. Marching Troop Death into Wounded Rate +8%
  3. March Speed +20%, March Size Capacity +5%
  4. Mounted Troop Attack +15% and HP +15%
  5. Mounted Troop Attack +20%, Mounted Troop Defense and HP +20%
Based on the above data, when Washington Prime’s Special Skill is fully upgraded, the mounted troop bonus can reach attack+75%, defense+30%, and HP+85%.
However, the old version of Washington’s mounted troop bonus is attack+60%, defense+25%, and HP+25%. It is not difficult to realize the gap between the two.

Washington Prime’s Max-level Specialty

  • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted Troop Attack and Defense +10%
  • Annihilation: March Size Capacity +6%; Attacking Mounted Troop and Ground Troop Attack +10%
  • Mounted Troop Ares: Mounted Troop Attack, HP, and Defense +10%
  • Founding Father: Mounted Troop Attack +45%; Mounted Troop Defense and HP +25%
The 1st and 3rd specialties of old Washington are the same as the Washington Prime. But the 2nd and 4th specialties of old Washington are:
  • Formation: Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack +10%
  • Revolutionary War: Mounted Troop Attack and Defense +16%; The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking. +6%
By comparing, you can find that Washington Prime is also superior to the old version in terms of Specialty.

Washington Prime’s General Covenant

Washington Prime has a covenant with Washington, Casimir Pulaski, and Nathanael Greene. The specific buffs are as follows.
  • War Covenant: March Speed +10%
  • Cooperation Covenant: In-rally Mounted Troop Defense +10%
  • Peace Covenant: Mounted Troop Training Capacity +10%
  • Faith Covenant: Mounted Troop Defense and Attack +10%
  • Honor Covenant: The death-turning-wounded rate of troops when they are attacking. +5%
  • Civilization Covenant: Mounted Troop HP +10%; March Size Capacity +5%
Among them, “Mounted Troop Training Capacity +10%” and “Mounted Troop Attack +10%” are unconditional buffs. The others are only effective for General Washington Prime.

How to Obtain Washington Prime

  1. Historic General Summoning Event

During the Independence Day Celebration, Evony set a minimum number of times for summoning Washington Prime in the Historic General Summoning Event. If you summoned it 5 times and didn’t get the general, you will get it on the 6th time. Moreover, during this period, they also increased the probability of summoning Washington Prime. Therefore, I think this is the most cost-effective way at present.
Of course, during the non-Independence Day Celebration period, as long as the event is open, you still have a chance to summon Washington Prime, but the theoretical probability will be lower than now.
  1. General Tokens

Then, there is an opportunity to get General Washington Prime from the following general tokens.
  • Epic Historic General (Premium)
  • Epic Historic General
  • Epic General
There is no time limit for obtaining Washington Prime by using general tokens. But, during the Evony Independence Day celebration, the probability of winning this general in the general token pool was as high as 15.31%. This probability may not be so high in the future.
You can obtain these tokens in many ways. For example, the highest tier of event packages, VIP premium packages (V1, V4, and V11-25), champion loyalty rewards (Lv4-20), etc.

Recommended General Combinations

The following table shows the buff values of max-level special skills and specialties. The covenant attributes of generals and Napoleon’s general skin are also taken into account.
Main General
Assistant General
Mounted Troop Attack
Mounted Troop Defense
Mounted Troop HP
March Size Capacity
Napoleon Prime
Washington Prime
Napoleon Prime
Washington Prime
Washington Prime
Napoleon Prime
Washington Prime
Note: Napoleon Prime and Hestia’s special skills require a dragon or spiritual beast to be effective. Therefore, they also need to carry a dragon or spiritual beast when acting as assistant generals. But in this case, the buffs of the dragon and spiritual beast will not take effect.
Overall, if you care more about march size, I suggest you choose the combination of Napoleon Prime + Washington Prime. If you care more about attack and defense bonuses, Napoleon Prime + Hestia is the best choice. If you want to increase the HP of your cavalry, you can try Washington Prime + Hestia. However, don’t forget to equip both Hestia and Napoleon Prime with dragons or spiritual beasts.

Skill Books:

The above combinations can all use the Mounted Troop Attack Skill Book.
In addition, the recommended skill books include:
  • Lv4 Mounted Troop Defense
  • Lv4 Mounted Troop HP
  • Lv4 Mounted Troop Speed
  • Lv4 Enemy Ranged Troop Attack
  • Lv4 Enemy Siege Machine Attack
  • Lv4 March Size
  • Lv4 March Speed
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