Intro to China Cavalry Generals in Evony by Top Games Inc.

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Top Games Inc. has meticulously designed five legendary generals from China for their popular game, Evony. These generals are masters of leading mounted troops, with their in-game abilities reflecting their historical achievements and character traits. By highlighting their roles in Chinese history, these generals bring a deep cultural and strategic element to the game, making them formidable leaders in mounted combat.

China Cavalry Generals in Evony

China Mounted Troop Generals in Evony

  1. Huo Qubing: The Cavalry Genius of the Western Han Dynasty
    • Special Skill – Khentii Worship
      • Effect: Reduces troops’ marching time by 20% when leading the army.
    • Attributes:
      • 1★: Mounted troop defense +15% and HP +15%.
      • 2★: Troop death-to-wounded rate +8%.
      • 3★: March size capacity +10%.
      • 4★: Mounted troop attack +15% and defense +20%.
      • 5★: Mounted troop attack +20% and HP +20%.
    • Genius-level Specialties:
      • Mounted Troop Assault: Mounted troop attack +10%; HP +10%.
      • Strike: March speed +10%; mounted troop attack +20%.
      • Unparalleled: Death-to-wounded rate +10% during attacks.
      • Battle of Mobei: March time reduction +10%; mounted troop attack +30%.

    Huo Qubing is celebrated for his rapid and strategic cavalry maneuvers that led to the defeat of the Xiongnu. His in-game character mirrors this historical prowess with enhanced mobility and attack capabilities, making him an indispensable cavalry general.

  2. Li Jing: The Tactical Mastermind of the Tang Dynasty
    • Special Skill – Win by Surprise Attacks
      • Effect: Increases mounted troop attack by 35% when leading the army.
    • Attributes:
      • 1★: Mounted troop attack +5% and defense +10%.
      • 2★: Troop death-to-wounded rate +8%.
      • 3★: Rally capacity +6% during alliance wars.
      • 4★: Mounted troop attack +10% and HP +20%.
      • 5★: Mounted troop attack +10%; HP +20%.
    • Genius-level Specialties:
      • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted troop attack +10%; defense +10%.
      • Strike: March speed +10%; mounted troop attack +20%.
      • Mounted Troop Ares: Mounted troop attack +10%; HP +10%; defense +10%.
      • Conquest of the Eastern Turks: Mounted troop attack +30%; death-to-wounded rate +6%.

    Li Jing’s expertise in surprise tactics is reflected in his ability to bolster mounted troops’ offensive power. His presence in Evony brings a strategic edge to any cavalry force, emulating his historical victories.

  3. Zhao Yun: The Undefeated General of Shu during the Three Kingdoms
    • Special Skill – Undefeated General
      • Effect: Increases ground and mounted troop attack by 30% and mounted troop HP by 30% when leading the army.
    • Attributes:
      • 1★: Mounted troop attack +15% and defense +10%.
      • 2★: Enemy in-city troop death rate +10%.
      • 3★: Rally capacity +8% during alliance wars.
      • 4★: Ground and mounted troop defense +15% and HP +15%.
      • 5★: Mounted troop attack +25% and defense +20%.
    • Genius-level Specialties:
      • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted troop attack +10%; defense +10%.
      • Annihilation: March size capacity +6%; attacking mounted troop and ground troop attack +10%.
      • Mounted Troop Ares: Mounted troop attack +10%; HP +10%; defense +10%.
      • Battle of Han River: Mounted troop attack +45%.

    Known for his courage and loyalty, Zhao Yun’s in-game persona enhances both mounted and ground troops’ effectiveness, making him a versatile and powerful general.

  4. Sun Ce: The Young Conqueror of Jiangdong
    • Special Skill – Young Conqueror
      • Effect: Increases ground and mounted troop attack by 35% when leading the army.
    • Attributes:
      • 1★: Mounted and ground troop attack +5% and defense +10%.
      • 2★: Troop death-to-wounded rate +10%.
      • 3★: Rally capacity +8% during alliance wars.
      • 4★: Mounted troop attack +10%, defense, and HP +10%.
      • 5★: Mounted troop attack +20% and defense +25%.
    • Genius-level Specialties:
      • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted troop attack +10%; defense +10%.
      • Annihilation: March size capacity +6%; attacking mounted troop and ground troop attack +10%.
      • Mounted Troop Ares: Mounted troop attack +10%, HP +10%, and defense +10%.
      • Conquests in Jiangdong: Mounted troop attack +30%; defense +20%.

    Sun Ce, known for his rapid conquests and military prowess, brings unmatched offensive capabilities to the battlefield in Evony, making him a key general for swift and decisive victories.

  5. Xiang Yu: The Overlord of Chu
    • Special Skill – Rage of the Overlord
      • Effect: Increases mounted troop attack by 35% when leading the army.
    • Genius-level Specialties:
      • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted troop attack +10%; defense +10%.
      • Sabotage: Enemy troop defense -10%.
      • Iron Warrior: Enemy wounded-to-death rate +10% when attacking.

    Xiang Yu’s ferocity and command over his troops are reflected in his powerful attack boosts, making him a feared adversary in mounted combat.

How to Obtain the China Mounted Troop Generals in Evony

  • Huo Qubing:
    • General Portrait Exhibition: Redeemable through Epic Historic General (Common) or General Hall Ⅰ Historic General using General’s Invitations.
    • King’s Scheme: Obtainable via the Epic Historic General (Common) reward during events.
    • General Tokens: Available through Epic General and Epic Historic General tokens.
  • Li Jing:
    • General Portrait Exhibition: Available as General Hall Ⅰ Historic General.
    • King’s Scheme: Obtainable through Epic Historic General (Rare).
    • General Tokens: Available through Epic General and Epic Historic General tokens.
    • Great General Chest: Can be acquired from the Tavern.
  • Zhao Yun:
    • General Portrait Exhibition: Redeemable through Laurel Wreath Historic General or General Hall Ⅱ Historic General.
    • Historic General Summoning: Available during the event using Epic Historic General (Glory).
    • General Tokens: Available through Epic General, Epic Historic General, and Epic Historic General (Premium) tokens.
  • Sun Ce:
    • General Portrait Exhibition: Available through Yasakani no Magatama Historic General or General Hall Ⅱ Historic General.
    • General Tokens: Available through Epic General, Epic Historic General, and Epic Historic General (Premium) tokens.
  • Xiang Yu:
    • Tavern Recruitment: Recruitable in the Tavern for 19,000,000 Gold.
    • General Tokens: Available through Legendary General token pools.


The addition of these Chinese cavalry generals in Evony not only enriches the game’s strategic depth but also honors the historical legacy of these legendary figures. Each general’s unique abilities and historical background provide players with powerful tools to dominate the battlefield, making these Chinese generals a crucial part of any successful Evony strategy.

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